CellWhere API*
CellWhere can be queried remotely using the http POST method.
This will return a
standard CellWhere output page (in html), so for example if you have a website that gives
a user a list of genes or proteins, the CellWhere API can be used to provide the user with a
link to automatically open a CellWhere graph for those query genes/proteins.
The POST method also allows for upload of a custom mapping flavor, so if your site or
tool is oriented towards a particular research area, you can set CellWhere to automatically
highlight subcellular locations that are pertinent to that research area.
* Developers are encouraged to periodically check this page for updates
The fields and their possible values are given in the table below, followed
by some example code using the PHP cURL library:
Field | Possible value(s) | Effect |
ID_type | GeneSymbol UniprotACC UniprotID Entrez Ensembl | Specify the ID type of your query list: Gene Symbol (e.g. TP53, Dmd) Uniprot Accession (e.g. P04637, P11531) Uniprot ID (e.g. P53_HUMAN, DMD_MOUSE) Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157, 13405) Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG00000141510, ENSMUSG00000045103) |
ID_list | String listing gene/protein IDs. IDs separated by newline character: e.g. "PAX7\nDMD\nMYOZ2\nDAG1" | CellWhere will query these gene/protein IDs |
uploadedfile | Text file listing gene/protein Ids. IDs separated by newline character. | CellWhere will query these gene/protein IDs |
Species_ID | 9606 10090 3702 6239 83333 7227 10116 559292 | CellWhere currently supports the following species (please contact us if yours is not on the list): Homo sapiens (9606) Mus musculus (10090) Arabidopsis thaliana (3702) Caenorhabditis elegans (6239) Escherichia coli K12 (83333) Drosophila melanogaster (7227) Rattus norvegicus (10116) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (559292) |
Source_Loc_Term | UniprotAndGO UniprotOnly GOonly | Localization terms will be obtained from both UniProt and GO (UniprotAndGO), or UniProt only (UniprotOnly), or GO only (Goonly) |
PriorityMethod | generic premade_flavour upload_flavour | How to prioritize the CellWhere localizations to select the one at which the protein will be displayed in the graph. Please see http://sys-myo.com/cellwhere/FAQ.php#How_does_CellWhere_localize |
Flavour | muscle secretory mitochondria | If Priority Method is set to premade_flavour, this allows selection of the premade flavour |
uploadedflavour | Custom prioritization 'flavor' (tab-delimited table) | If Priority Method is set to upload_flavour, this allows upload of your custom prioritization mapping file ('flavor'). Please see http://sys-myo.com/cellwhere/FAQ.php#How_does_CellWhere_localize |
mentha_add | 0 or 1 | If mentha_add=1, then interacting proteins will be added from the Mentha server, based on the strength of the Mentha evidence score |
mentha_max_nodes | Number from 2 to 50 | If mentha_add=1, then nodes will be added up until this maximum network size is reached |
primary_submit | Submit | Required to submit query |
Here is an example POST using cURL in PHP:
$url = 'http://sys-myo.com/cellwhere/process.php';
$ID_array = array("PAX7", "DMD", "MYOZ2", "DAG1");
$TheseIDs = implode(PHP_EOL, $ID_array);
$post = array(
'ID_type' => 'GeneSymbol' ,
'ID_list' => $TheseIDs ,
'Species_ID' => '9606',
'Source_Loc_Term' => 'UniprotOnly' ,
'PriorityMethod' => 'premade_flavour' ,
'Flavour' => 'muscle' ,
'mentha_add' => '1' ,
'mentha_max_nodes' => '12' ,
'primary_submit' => 'Submit'
/* If wishing to upload a list of IDs, then remove the ID_list field from above, and uncomment these two lines, adding your path: */
//$file_to_upload = 'Path/to/your/ID_List_File.txt';
//$post['uploadedfile'] = '@'.$file_to_upload;
/* If wishing to upload a custom flavor, then uncomment these two lines, adding your path: */
//$flavor_to_upload = 'Path/to/your/Custom_Flavor_File.txt';
//$post['uploadedflavour'] = '@'.$flavor_to_upload;
/* Note: later versions of PHP may not be compatible with '@', in which case replace those lines with something like this: */
//$post['uploadedfile'] = new CurlFile('Path/to/your/ID_List_File.txt', 'text/plain');
$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$OutputFromCellWhere = curl_exec( $ch );
echo $OutputFromCellWhere;
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding programmatic access: